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Nieuws headlines van woensdag 8 november 2023 22:38:20

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Belgie: Wetenschap: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 20 april 2022 10:59:35)
  • MRNA-technologie in stroomversnelling: maakt ons lichaam straks zelf vaccins aan?

    De succesvolle vaccins tegen het coronavirus hebben het onderzoek naar mRNA-technologie in een stroomversnelling gebracht. De hoop rijst dat we niet alleen virussen, maar ook andere infecties én kanker onder controle kunnen krijgen.

    Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:00:04 +0200
  • 'Binnenkort zullen we veiliger vliegen dankzij optische glasvezels'

    Vliegtuigen die kunnen voelen wanneer ze beschadigd zijn, net zoals wij kunnen voelen wanneer we pijn hebben. Het klinkt als iets uit een sciencefictionfilm, maar het zal weldra mogelijk zijn dankzij optische glasvezels en 'lichttechnologie'. Sidney Goossens staat voor de Universiteit Van Vlaanderen stil bij de mogelijkheden van glasvezelsensoren.

    Sun, 03 Apr 2022 10:47:04 +0200
    Belgie: Knack.be_Gezondheid: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 20 april 2022 10:09:29)
  • Maakt slimme technologie kinderen opvoeden makkelijker?

    De technologische vooruitgang staat niet stil, ook in babyland. Bevat elke geboortelijst terecht enkele slimme gadgets of zijn ouders die het beste voor hun kinderen willen een makkelijke prooi voor gewiekste marketeers?

    Fri, 08 Apr 2022 09:04:04 +0200
    Belgie: Nieuws Belgie: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 08:18:45)
  • PL-CEO Parys over plan arbitrage: "Doen wat nodig is in belang van Belgisch voetbal"
    De Pro League en de Belgische voetbalbond bereikten een akkoord over het strategische plan dat werd opgesteld door het Professional Refereeing Department (PRD) van de KBVB. "We zijn tevreden dat er nu een plan is en onze clubs zijn bereid om extra fondsen te investeren, onder andere in de vorming en opleiding voor jonge refs, technologische ondersteuning maar ook in monitoring en begeleiding", reageert Lorin Parys, CEO van de Pro League.
    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:34:00 GMT
    China: - Taiwan: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 30 maart 2022 18:59:45)
  • 光陽攜手哈雷推全新款 柯勝峯:互補互利攻占市場 | Kwang Yang Motor going full throttle with Harley-Davidson SPAC in 2022

    台灣大約有逾1400萬台登記的摩托車,這代表幾乎所有家庭都擁有一、兩台摩托車。多虧這份對摩托車的偏愛、獨特的技術優勢,以及製造業的領導地位,台灣摩托車品牌具有能力成為國際電動摩托車 業的領頭羊。 Taiwan has an estimated 14-million-plus registered scooters, meaning that almost every household owns one or two motorcycles. Thanks to this love of two-wheelers, unique tech advantages, and leadership in manufacturing, Taiwan motorcycle brands are well-positioned to become global leaders in the electric motorcycle industry. 去年年初,光陽受邀成為 LiveWire 策略合作夥伴,並以特殊目的 購公司 (SPAC) 掛牌上市。該公司董事長柯勝峯說:「重點是如何結合光陽與哈雷戴維森的優勢,並 幫助 LiveWire,讓這項合作關係成為雙贏局面,如何 成互補互利?」 At the beginning of […]

    這篇文章 光陽 手哈雷推全新款 柯勝峯:互補互利 占市場 | Kwang Yang Motor going full throttle with Harley-Davidson SPAC in 2022 最早出現於 The China Post, Taiwan

    Thu, 17 Feb 2022 13:00:48 +0000
    Europa: Belgie: De_Standaard [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 18:01:08)
  • De mondbeschermer in de strijd tegen hersenschade

    De wereldrugbybond heeft een nieuwe technologie geïntroduceerd in de strijd tegen hersenletsel: een slimme mondbeschermer.

    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:24:21 +0200
    Europa: Belgie: Humo [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 18:15:59)
  • Is 5G echt zo gevaarlijk voor onze gezondheid?
    Morgen gaan wereldwijd mensen de straat om te demonstreren tegen de uitrol van 5G. Ook in Brussel staat een protest gepland. De meningen over de technologie voor supersnel mobiel internet lopen, zacht gezegd, nogal uiteen. Van ‘een verhoogd risico op kanker’ en ‘schade aan ons DNA’ tot ‘bangmakerij’. Humo ging te rade bij voor- en tegenstanders. ‘De straling is mogelijk kankerverwekkend, ja. Maar dat is koffie ook.’
    Lees verder

    Fri, 24 Jan 2020 08:00:00 +0100
    Europa: Belgie: Lowtechmagazine [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: Woensdag 15 Juli 2020, 00:32:07 )
  • Te veel verbranding, te weinig vuur
    De open haard is minstens 400.000 jaar oud, maar blijft tot op de dag van vandaag het meest veelzijdige en duurzame huishoudelijke ‘apparaat’ dat de mens ooit heeft gekend. Illustratie: Diego Marmolejo. Een vuurtje stoken is niet zonder controverse in Belgi of Nederland. Als verwarmingselement hebben de open haard en de houtstoof een belabberd imago: ze worden inefficint en ongezond genoemd. Nochtans heeft het vuur ook belangrijke voordelen: er wordt gebruik gemaakt van een hernieuwbare energiebron en het is klimaatneutraal. Het routineus gebruik van huishoudelijk vuur is minstens 400.000 jaar oud. Gedurende al die tijd was het vuur de...
    22 December 2019, 20:34:55
  • De Neveldouche: Duurzame Decadentie?
    Een dagelijkse douche is moeilijk vol te houden in een wereld zonder fossiele brandstoffen. De neveldouche, een comfortabele maar vergeten technologie die erg weinig water en energie verbruikt, zou een oplossing kunnen zijn. Ontwerper Jonas Grgen ontwikkelde een doe-het-zelf kit waarmee bijna elke douche tot een neveldouche kan worden omgevormd. Lowtech Magazine probeerde ze uit. Hoe duurzaam is de dagelijkse douche? In de discussie over klimaatverandering gaat het meestal om auto’s, vliegtuigen en verwarmingssystemen. De dagelijkse douche komt nauwelijks aan bod, ook al is het een bijzonder verkwistende manier om een basisbehoefte te bevredigen: het wassen van het lichaam....
    26 October 2019, 17:59:51
  • Komt de nachttrein terug?
    In 2014 documenteerde Lowtech Magazine de teloorgang van de Europese nachttrein. Onder invloed van de klimaatmarsen lijkt de neerwaartse trend nu stilaan een halt te worden toegeroepen. In Nederland publiceerde het KennisInstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid zopas de studie "Slapend onderweg: potentieel van de internationale nachttrein van en naar Nederland". De studie besluit dat acht bestemmingen op een afstand van 800-1.200 km potentieel hebben voor de exploitatie van nachttreinen. Ook in Frankrijk, Zweden en Zwitserland wint de nachttrein aan belangstelling. Onze zeven jaar oude online gids voor treinreizen in Europa is nog nooit zo vaak geconsulteerd geweest als de afgelopen maanden....
    14 July 2019, 21:17:23
  • De heruitvinding van de kleine windturbine
    De productie van commercieel verkrijgbare kleine windturbines kost vaak meer energie dan de machines tijdens hun levensduur kunnen opwekken. Door kleine windturbines (opnieuw) uit hout te bouwen, kan dit probleem worden aangepakt. Dankzij hun esthetische aantrekkingskracht en de mogelijkheid tot lokale productie verhogen ze bovendien de acceptatie van windenergie. Tot slot vergemakkelijken innovatieve, houten torens de installatie van kleine windturbines. Foto: een windturbine van InnoVentum. Experimenten hebben uitgewezen dat commercieel verkrijgbare, kleine windturbines gedurende hun levensduur niet altijd voldoende elektriciteit opleveren om de energie te compenseren die nodig was voor de productie ervan. Daar zijn drie redenen voor. Ten...
    14 July 2019, 20:13:31
  • Links, updates en evenementen juni 2019
    Lowtech festival tijdens Borgerrio (Antwerpen). Zaterdag 22 juni 2019 van 13:30 " 17:30 in De Roma. 11.11.11, Rooftoptiger, De Roma en Lokaal Cultuurbeleid district Borgerhout hebben een interessant programma opgesteld dat focust op ambachten en het gebruik van duurzame materialen. Utrecht Degrowth Symposium. Het eerste "ontgroeicongres" in Nederland vindt plaats aan de Universiteit Utrecht op vrijdag 28 juni van 13u tot 19u. Economische groei ligt aan de basis van een alsmaar stijgend energie- en grondstoffenverbruik. Op het symposium wordt gezocht naar duurzame alternatieven voor economische groei. "In Defense of Degrowth" is een goede (Engelstalige) introductie tot de ontgroeibeweging. Het e-book is...
    20 June 2019, 21:58:13
    Europa: Belgie: Economie [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 4 oktober 2023 19:21:46)
  • Telecomoperatoren vragen EU dat grote techspelers meer betalen voor gebruik netwerk

    In een open brief vragen verscheidene Europese telecomoperatoren dat grote techspelers meer zouden betalen voor het gebruik van hun net. Dat schrijft de Financial Times. Ook Proximus, Telenet-eigenaar Liberty Global en Orange Belgium-moeder Orange ondertekenden de brief.

    Mon, 02 Oct 2023 15:46:02 +0200
    Europa: Engeland: World [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 04:24:40)
  • WhatsApp says warning message of cyberattacks on Jewish people is a hoax

    ‘Do not open it, it will hack your phone in 10 seconds,’ reads one such hoax message

    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 01:20:47 GMT
    Europa: Health: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 13 januari 2021 13:41:34)
  • Research Headlines - How our brains share emotions, such as intense fear
    ImageAlthough being stuck in a brain scanner while being exposed to a horror film may not be everyone's idea of fun, monitoring volunteers' grey cells throughout this process can tell scientists a lot. EU-funded research using this and other memorable techniques has generated new knowledge on the way we process and transmit social information.
    Wed, 09 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT
  • Health research and innovation - Coronavirus: Advisors provide joint opinion on pandemic preparedness and management
    Today the European Commission’s independent Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (GCSA), the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) and Peter Piot, special advisor to the President Ursula von der Leyen on the response to COVID-19, published a joint opinion.
    Wed, 11 Nov 2020 00:00:00 GMT
  • Research Headlines - Dzielenie się kluczowymi danymi pomaga w walce z pandemią
    ImageW ramach finansowanego ze środków UE projektu opracowywano innowacyjne techniki wykrywania i wymiany informacji o ogniskach chorób zakaźnych. Metody te będą stosowane w przyszłości w celu poprawy reakcji systemów opieki zdrowotnej na pandemie. Niektóre z narzędzi opracowanych w ramach projektu są dalej rozwijane, aby ograniczyć rozprzestrzenianie się COVID-19.
    Wed, 21 Oct 2020 00:00:00 GMT
    Europa: Research and Innovation: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 13 januari 2021 22:45:18)
  • Research and Innovation - News Alerts - Research and innovation are essential for EU's prosperity and social model, report says
    The report documents how Europe's economic prosperity and social model rely on its ability to create and disseminate innovation. At the same time, the EU needs to fully embrace emerging innovations and technologies in order to overcome a severe productivity problem and to sustain the current economic growth.
    Tue, 20 Feb 2018 00:00:00 GMT
  • Research and Innovation - News Alerts - Turning solar and bioenergy into electricity: two new technologies will enter commercial demonstration phase thanks to EU loans
    Two first-of-a-kind projects aimed at demonstrating commercially innovative ways of harnessing solar and bioenergy will be built thanks to loans totalling €45 million from the InnovFin Energy Demo Projects (EDP) facility - funded under Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation programme. Successful demonstration will pave the way for future commercialisation of these technologies.
    Wed, 20 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
    Europa: Spanje: El_Pais [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 23:46:52)
  • Spain’s foreign minister travels to Morocco amid territorial water dispute
    Rabat’s decision to pass laws appropriating an area near the Canary Islands encroaches on Spanish maritime borders at a spot that is rich with a rare mineral in high demand by technology companies
    Fri, 24 Jan 2020 11:42:24 +0200
    Friesland: Alarmeringen_Friesland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 09:17:08)
  • p 2 bnn-02 nacontrole hoofdkantoor snijtech bv hal 1 janesloot joure 026531
    Nacontrole op Janesloot in Joure
    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 20:48:09 +0000
    Friesland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 25 januari 2023 10:40:53)
  • Friesland Holland actief in drie hallen op Boot Düsseldorf 2017!

    Boot is dé vakantiebeurs van Duitsland geworden met elk jaar meer thema’s

    Boot Düsseldorf 2017 is zwaarder bezet en gevarieerder dan ooit.
    DÜSSELDORF (D) – Omdat Boot Düsseldorf (21-29 januari 2017) zich in de loop der jaren meer en meer heeft ontwikkeld naar een brede watervakantiebeurs, nu zó groot is dat de bezoekers niet meer op één dag alle themahallen aan kunnen doen, én omdat de internationale betekenis van de Duitse waterrecreatiebeurs veel groter is geworden, presenteert het bureau voor toerisme Friesland Holland zich in drie hallen.

    Albert Hendriks van Friesland over de nieuwe aanpak: “De sloep is de fiets op het water: iedereen kan er mee op pad dankzij nieuwe technologie en een wereldwijd uniek fijnmazig routenetwerk. Vakantiewoningen, glamptenten aan de oever en hotels aan het water zijn immens populair. Kite- en windsurfen aan de Friese IJsselmeerkust en suppen zijn hot. Fietsers volgen graag vaarroutes als de Elfstedenroute en de Turfroute en steeds meer pleziervaarders nemen fietsen mee aan boord, zoals elektrische vouwfietsen. Dijktoerisme is in. Elektrisch varen neemt snel in populariteit toe. Minder mensen kopen een boot; ze huren ‘m liever. Door de komst van een waterskikabelbaan in Sneek zullen gebruikers belangstelling krijgen voor het echte waterskiën. Friesland heeft alle vormen van waterrecreatie in huis in alle prijsklassen en voor alle leefstijlen. Dat betekent dat je je minder algemeen moet presenteren, maar interessegericht. Daarom heeft Messe Düsseldorf meer themahallen. Sommige hallen zijn zelfs ingedeeld met vier thema’s, zoals hal 4 met electric boating, power boats, sport- en speedboten en duikmateriaal.” Klik hier voor de plattegrond van Boot Düsseldorf in PDF-formaat.

    Thu, 24 Nov 2016 08:53:01 +0000
  • Sterren voor huurboten en charterbases

    Charter Boat Classification

    Logo CBC

    WOLVEGA (NL) – Charter Boat Classification, afgekort CBC. Zo heet het onderdeel van het bureau voor toerisme Friesland Holland dat huurboten gaat classificeren in formaties met één ster tot maximaal vijf sterren. De organisatie begint met het kwalificeren van motorjachten in het topsegment, want daar is volgens directeur Albert Hendriks de meeste onduidelijkheid over wat écht ‘royal class’ of ‘premium class’ is. Naast de techniek en het comfort aan boord worden ook de charterbasis, de geboden veiligheid en services in het beoordelingssysteem opgenomen. Reviews kunnen wel op de nieuwe site geplaatst worden, maar hebben geen invloed op de toekenning van het aantal sterren aan het jacht. De deelname aan de bootclassificatie, die inmiddels is gestart, is vrijwillig.

    Fri, 04 Dec 2015 11:14:43 +0000
    Friesland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 15:32:11)
  • Stoutenburght beste camperplek van Nederland 2023

    Camperplaatsen in Friesland vaak op de eerste plaats Stoutenburght beste camperplek van Nederland 2023  BLESDIJKE (NL) – Wie van De Blesse in de Friese gemeente Weststellingwerf naar het Overijsselse Oldemarkt fietst, komt langs één van de mooiste campercampings van Friesland: Stoutenburght aan de Markeweg in Blesdijke. Deze camperplaats van technicus en doe-het-zelver Anton Koning...

    Het bericht Stoutenburght beste camperplek van Nederland 2023 verscheen eerst op Toeristisch Fries Nieuws.

    Thu, 11 May 2023 09:35:38 +0000
    Friesland: Leeuwarder_Courant Sport: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 18:09:19)
  • Het ontslag van Sjors Ultee laat technisch directeur Etiënne Reijnen niet koud: 'Een nederlaag voor de hele club'

    Etiënne Reijnen erkende dat Sjors Ultee onder moeilijke omstandigheden werkte bij SC Cambuur. Toch zag de technisch directeur geen andere mogelijkheid dan de trainer te ontslaan.

    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 06:15:00 +0100
    Malta : [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 17:49:21)
  • Agent ordered to refund €1.7m for power station contract

    A former technical manager at Associated Supplies Company Limited (AS) was ordered by a court to refund nearly €1.7 million for breaching fiduciary duties.

    Joseph Mizzi worked for a company that was negotiating a consultancy agreement with Delimara power station contractor BWSC.

    Mizzi had been working for AS since 1989, providing technical assistance. After falling ill, he had requested to be boarded out. A Social Security Department medical board gave the go-ahead and Mizzi resigned from the company.

    The consultancy agreement between AS and BWSC was never concluded as the contractor insisted that it would lapse if Mizzi were no longer an AS employee. AS refused to accept the condition.

    Following the resignation, AS director Joseph Rizzo realised that Mizzi was still pursuing the project. Rizzo wrote to Mizzi for an explanation, never getting a reply.

    BWSC later won the tender, with Mizzi as its agent.

    AS sued Mizzi for alleged breach of fiduciary duties in terms of article 1124A of the Civil Code, claiming that the agent had worked without the company’s knowledge to reach his goal of becoming an agent to BWSC. The company argued Mizzi had used the “confidential, private and commercial information” he had obtained for his own gain.

    The First Hall of the Civil Court, presided by Madam Justice Anna Felice, noted that the crux of the dispute lay in what Mizzi had done in the months after he was boarded out.

    He first received a visit from a BWSC representative, then sought to be boarded out, a few months before he was due to retire. The court said that the meeting with the BWSC representative was not a “casual encounter”.

    Mizzi had “pounced” on the opportunity when he fell ill, resigning from AS and ridding himself of any hurdle to act as a personal agent to the contractor, which wanted to engage Mizzi due to his technical expertise.

    Such behaviour went against Mizzi’s fiduciary obligations towards his former employer, the court ruled.

    Mizzi told the court that he had been paid a one per cent commission on the Delimara project, valued at €165 million.

    The court ruled that Mizzi had breached fiduciary obligations and ordered him to pay Associated Supplies €1,697,658.25 by way of damages.

    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 08:54:00 +0100
  • €16.55 million programme to support SMEs

    In a collaborative effort between the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Malta's Ministry of European Funds and Lands, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Malta are set to receive substantial support totalling €16.55 million through the 'Malta Member State Compartment', which is the successor to the successful 'SME Initiative Programme', the government said.

    This initiative falls under the umbrella of InvestEU, the European Commission's programme designed to attract investments of at least €372 billion to address European Union policy priorities by 2027.

    The primary objective of this EIF-backed InvestEU mandate is to establish an 'SME Competitiveness guarantee instrument.' 

    "This new instrument is intended to replace the previously successful SME Initiative Programme, which, with an initial contribution of €29 million, facilitated the creation of a portfolio worth approximately €120 million, supporting over 1,000 SMEs in Malta. The 'Malta Member State Compartment' begins with an initial budget of €16.55 million, comprising €9.48 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and €7.07 million from national resources through JEREMIE reflows, which is part of Malta's Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) allocation. This funding will be directed towards building a loan portfolio amounting to €60 million through the SME Competitiveness Guarantee Instrument," the government said.

    "The EIF's investment through InvestEU is expected to have a significant impact on Maltese SMEs by enhancing their access to financing and improving financing conditions. This could lead to lower interest rates and reduced collateral requirements, making it easier for SMEs to obtain the necessary funding for growth and innovation. This proposed mandate represents an expansion of the InvestEU programme, streamlining the implementation model for third-pillar debt mandates. By leveraging the expertise and resources of the EIF, this partnership aims to unlock the full potential of Maltese SMEs, fostering innovation and job creation in the region."

    The Minister for the Economy, European Funds and Lands, Silvio Schembri said that SMEs are the backbone of Malta's economy, and the Government will continue to support SMEs, as it always has done for over a decade, and during recent challenges the world faced.

    "The instrument will give SMEs more access to finance, addressing the issue of limited access to finance by SMEs. This initiative also makes it more attractive to lending institutions like banks as it shares the risk burden due to the fact that the instrument covers a portion of the amount lent to SMEs, whereby banks can offer more competitive interest rates and longer-term repayments. In other words, it helps address the financing gap that many SMEs face so that they can stay ahead of the game and invest in innovation to meet today's ever increasing technological advancements, boosting economic growth in the process," said Minister Schembri.

    Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds, Chris Bonett said that with the help of EU Funds the Government is anticipating a positive impact on the financial landscape for Maltese SMEs whilst ultimately fostering an increase in innovation and job creation in the country.

    "This collaboration exemplifies the strength of the InvestEU programme and our commitment to leveraging it effectively. By partnering with the EIF, we are positioning ourselves to unlock the full potential of our SMEs, thereby contributing to the economic prosperity of Malta. Together, we will continue working diligently to support our businesses and ensure Malta's continued growth and competitiveness within the European Union."

    Marjut Falkstedt, CEO of EIF, commented on this development, stating: "Malta has been a pioneer in utilizing EIF financial instruments since 2007, and this strategic partnership between EIF and Malta marks a pivotal moment in our ongoing support for the country's SMEs. The positive outcomes achieved through the SME Initiative Programme have exceeded our initial expectations. As we move forward, we are committed to continuing our support for Maltese SMEs to promote sustainable and inclusive growth in the country."

    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 17:53:00 +0100
    Malta: Malta : [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 17:49:21)
  • Live updates: Israel says it has regained control over Gaza border

    Residents in Gaza are facing ever-growing uncertainty after the territory's only power plant ran out of fuel and shut down Wednesday. Israeli airstrikes further demolished entire neighborhoods and sent people scrambling to find safety. And hospitals in the Gaza Strip are struggling to treat the injured with dwindling medical supplies.

    The war, which has claimed more than 2,200 lives on both sides, is expected to escalate. The weekend attack that Hamas said was retribution for worsening conditions for Palestinians under Israeli occupation has inflamed Israel’s determination to crush the group’s hold in Gaza.

    The Israeli military said more than 1,200 people, including 155 soldiers, have died in Israel since Saturday’s incursion. In Gaza, the health ministry says more than 1,050 have been killed and over 5,100 injured. The United Nations Palestinian refugee agency says 250,000 people have been displaced in Gaza.

    Here's what's happening on Day 5 of the latest Israel-Palestinian war:


    PRAGUE — A Czech government plane will fly to Israel on Wednesday to evacuate Czech nationals from the country which is at war with Hamas, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said.

    Fiala said other flights will follow through the end of the week, but gave no further details.

    The announcement came after a plane with Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky landed in Prague early Wednesday with 34 other Czechs onboard who returned from Israel with the minister.

    Lipavsky was the first foreign minister to visit Israel after Saturday’s attacks, Israeli President Isaac Herzog said on X, formerly known as Twitter, after their meeting.

    There are still at least 181 Czechs in Israel, Lipavsky said Wednesday.


    CAIRO — Al-Azhar al-Sharif, the Sunni world’s foremost seat of religious learning, on Wednesday called for an international investigation into allegations of war crimes by Israel against civilian Palestinians in Gaza.

    In a strong worded statement, the Cairo-based religious institution called for Arab and Islamic countries to take “a serious and unified position against the West’s inhuman rally” behind Israel’s attacks against “innocent Palestinian civilians.”

    It said Israel’s “inhuman siege,” which included cutting off electricity and water, and preventing the delivery of food and humanitarian aid to the strip, is a “genocide and war crimes.”

    The statement urged Arab and Islamic countries to quickly provide humanitarian aid and “ensure its crossing” to the Palestinians in Gaza.


    LONDON — Britain’s top diplomat has arrived in Israel to express “unwavering solidarity” with the country following the attacks by Hamas.

    The government says Foreign Secretary James Cleverly will meet survivors and senior Israeli officials “to outline U.K. support for Israel’s right to defend itself.”

    The U.K.’s Conservative government and the opposition Labour Party have both strongly backed Israel’s right to retaliate for the attacks that killed more than 1,200 Israelis.

    The British government has said 10 or more U.K. citizens are dead or missing after the attacks on southern Israel.


    BERLIN — The Austrian government has confirmed that one of three Austrian-Israeli citizens who had been missing after Hamas’ attack on Israel, has been found dead.

    The Austria foreign ministry said in a statement Wednesday that “he was a victim of the brutal large-scale attack on Israel by the terrorist organization Hamas. The family of the deceased informed us about this today.”

    The Austrian government did not release the victim’s name and said that out of respect for the victims and their families, no further details would be released.

    The ministry added that “we strongly condemn the barbaric terror of Hamas. Our deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends."


    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Gaza’s only power plant ran out of fuel Wednesday afternoon, forcing it to shut down after Israel cut off supplies, the Energy Ministry said. That leaves only generators to power the territory — but they also run on fuel that is in short supply.


    MADRID — Spain’s Foreign Ministry says one of two Spaniards affected by the Hamas attacks in Israel has died.

    The ministry named the woman as Spanish-Israeli citizen Maya Villalobo Sinvany. The ministry condemned the attacks and expressed its condolences to her family. It gave no further details about the woman.

    Spain’s state news agency Efe and other outlets have reported that Villalobo was on military service at an Israeli miliary base at the time of the attacks.

    The ministry earlier this week reported that another Spaniard was also affected in the attacks but gave no other details. Efe said the person was a Spanish man who lived in a kibbutz near the Gaza Strip.


    BERLIN — The German government held a minute of silence for the Israeli victims of the Hamas terror attacks in parliament.

    The president of parliament, Baerbel Bas, vowed Wednesday that Germany will stand univocally on the side of Israel and support the country’s right to defend itself and protect its people.

    “In these dark hours, our thoughts are with the families of all the victims, with the injured and with the abducted hostages who are being abused as human shields, and with the family members and friends who fear for them. Their anguish, unimaginable to us, cannot be put into words,” Bas said.

    Bas stressed that Germany will not accept any kind of anti-Israeli or antisemitic protests in Germany.

    The Israeli ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, who also attended the minute of silence in parliament, received long, standing ovations by Germany’s government ministers and lawmakers.


    BEIRUT — Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency says Israeli shelling of southern Lebanese villages has wounded three civilians and damaged about 10 homes.

    The agency said the shelling hit the villages of Marwaheen and Duhaira.

    The Israeli shelling came after the militant Hezbollah fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli army position.


    JAKARTA, Indonesia — Hundreds of conservative Muslims marched to the heavily guarded U.S. Embassy in Indonesia’s capital on Wednesday to protest the U.S.'s staunch support of Israel and to demand an end to Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.

    More than 500 pro-Palestinian protesters, many wearing white Islamic robes, gathered along a major street in Jakarta that runs outside the embassy. They chanted “God is Great” and “Save Palestinians” as they marched. Their banners and placards slammed the airstrikes in Gaza and some protesters expressed their anger by burning the U.S. and Israeli flags.

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Tuesday said in a televised comments that the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel must be resolved and urged an end to the war.


    DAMASCUS, Syria — Top officials from Palestinian factions based in the Syrian capital have expressed their support to fighters in Gaza saying their aim is to liberate their land.

    The officials did not comment on a rocket attack late Tuesday from southern Syria that hit the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

    There have been concerns that the heightened escalation in Gaza and southern Lebanon could escalate into Syrian territories, sparking a regional war.

    The officials from factions including the "Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command said Arab Foreign ministers meeting in Cairo later Wednesday should come out with a clear stance supporting the Palestinian people.


    BEIRUT — The King of Jordan renewed calls for Israeli-Palestinian talks as the ongoing war between Gaza and Israel continues, as it threatens regional security.

    “There will be no security, no peace, no stability without just and total peace that comes through a two-state solution,” King Abdullah II said in an address to Jordanian parliament Wednesday, calling for a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital based along on its pre-1967 borders.

    Abdullah II Tuesday called to dispatch medical and humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip through Egypt.


    MOSCOW — The Kremlin said that Russia needs to maintain a dialogue with both sides amid the Israeli-Palestinian war.

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday that “it’s important for us to maintain a balanced approach and remain in contact with both parties to the conflict.”

    He said that Russia has “long historic ties” with both Israel and the Palestinians, adding that millions of Russians have moved to live in Israel and Moscow is concerned about their security.

    “The fate of Russian citizens is our No. 1 priority,” Peskov said. “We need to maintain an equal distance — only that will give us the right to participate in a settlement process."

    Peskov added that “acts that can only be described as terrorist must be undoubtedly condemned, but the roots of the situation mustn’t be forgotten.”


    BAGHDAD — The leader of a prominent Iranian-backed militia in Iraq threatened Wednesday to attack American bases in retaliation if the United States intervenes in the latest war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza.

    “Our missiles, drones, and special forces are ready to direct qualitative strikes at the American enemy in its bases and disrupt its interests if it intervenes in this battle,” Ahmad “Abu Hussein” al-Hamidawi, head of the Kataib Hezbollah militia, said in a statement. He also threatened to launch missiles at Israeli targets.

    Al-Hamidawi called on Iraqis to demonstrate and collect donations in support of the Hamas military campaign.


    JERUSALEM — The United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees told the AP on Wednesday that nine of its staffers have been killed in airstrikes since the the start of the Israeli bombardment on Gaza on Saturday, with several killed late Tuesday.

    “The protection of civilians is paramount, including in times of conflict,” said Juliette Touma, director of communications of the agency, known as UNRWA. “They should be protected in accordance with the laws of war.”

    Touma said the strikes killed the U.N. staffers at their homes across the territory. She also said that 18 UNRWA schools-turned-shelters were damaged in the bombing, and that its headquarters in Gaza City was also damaged, without causing casualties.


    VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Wednesday called for the immediate release of hostages taken by Hamas fighters in the most serious assault on Israel in half a century.

    Francis said during a weekly audience that he is following events in Israel and the occupied territories with “pain and apprehension,” with “many dead and injured,’’ and said he is praying for those who saw “a day of celebration transformed into a day of mourning.”

    The pope said that “whoever is attacked has the right to defend himself. But I am very worried about the total siege under which the Palestinians in Gaza are living, where there are also many innocent victims.”


    BERLIN — Germany’s defense minister has offered his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Galant, support from Germany following the major attack by Hamas.

    The German government made that offer also to the Israeli military attaché in Berlin, Boris Pistorius told reporters on Wednesday. “Both have said so far that they do not need support of a military or technical nature. It is about political support,” the German defense minister said, adding that Germany’s political support for Israel was self-evident.

    Pistorius also said that “as soon as we can help in a humanitarian way, the offer is there, too, but so far it has not been asked for.”


    CAIRO — The Rafah border crossing remains closed on both sides as of Wednesday morning, according to an Egyptian security official.

    The official told The Associated Press that a number of Egyptian aid convoys loaded with fuel, construction materials and food were unable to enter the Gaza Strip through Rafah on Wednesday.

    Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinian families remain stranded in the Sinai city of el-Arish. No other details were immediately available. The official spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not briefed to speak.


    A plane carrying advanced armaments “designed to facilitate significant military operations” landed Tuesday evening at the Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel, the Israel Defense Forces said.

    “We are grateful for the US backing and assistance to the IDF, and to the State of Israel in general, during this challenging period. Our common enemies know that the cooperation between our militaries is stronger than ever, and is a key part in ensuring regional security and stability,” the IDF said in a statement.


    Two Brazilian citizens were killed as the result of the Hamas attack on Israel, the foreign ministry said Tuesday.

    The ministry identified the deceased as Ranani Nidejelski Glazer and Bruna Valeanu.

    The ministry said in a separate statement that three people with dual Brazilian-Israeli citizenship were missing after they disappeared at a music festival outside of Kibbutz Re'im.


    MANILA, Philippines — Two Filipinos have been killed as a result of the attacks by Hamas militants on Israel, where thousands of Filipinos live and work, said Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo.

    Manalo condemned the killings in a brief statement he posted Wednesday on X, formerly known as Twitter, but did not provide other details, including the circumstances of the deaths and the identities of the victims. He added that the Philippines is ready to work with other countries toward a long-lasting resolution to the conflict, in accordance with a U.N. Security Council resolution.


    OTTAWA, Ontario — Canadian citizens will be flown out of the country from the Tel Aviv, Israel, airport in coming days in the wake of Hamas' attack on Israel, Canada's foreign minister said Tuesday.

    The government plans to conduct the evacuation using aircraft from the Canadian Armed Forces, Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter. The post did not mention those Canadians who are believed to be trapped in Gaza after Israel closed off the Hamas-controlled territory.

    Canada is trying to determine how many of its citizens are among the dead or missing. Friends and family have confirmed that 22-year-old Ben Mizrachi from Vancouver and former Montreal resident Alexandre Look, who recently celebrated his 33rd birthday, were two of the hundreds killed while attending a music festival in southern Israel.


    A son of two Italian-Israeli citizens unaccounted for after Hamas’ incursion into Israel believes they were kidnapped by Hamas militants.

    Eviatar Moshe Kipnis, 65, who has an autoimmune disease and uses a wheelchair, and his wife, Lilach Lea Havron, 60, were holed up in their safe room on Saturday morning at their home in the Kibbutz Be’eri, Nadav Kipnis told The Associated Press on Tuesday. He said that was the last time he and his brother Yotam heard from them.

    Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani briefed parliament about the incursion on Tuesday, identifying the two Italians by name and saying they were “probably taken hostage.”

    The family also has lost contact with Havron’s sister and her extended family who lived nearby. All together, 11 people from two family households at the kibbutz are unaccounted for, including children ages 3, 8 and 12, Nadav Kipnis said.


    PRAGUE — Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky visited Israel on Tuesday to show his country’s support after the Hamas attack and brought more than 30 Czech nationals home from Israel on his plane, the Foreign Ministry said.

    Lipavsky met his Israeli counterpart, Eli Cohen, and President Isaac Herzog, the Ministry said. He also met the relatives of a woman kidnapped by Hamas.

    “Israel is one of us, the attacks and kidnappings unleashed by Hamas terrorists are an attack on all of us,” Lipavsky said in a statement.


    CANBERRA, Australia — A 66-year-old Sydney-born woman is the first known Australian to die in the Hamas attack on Israel, Australia’s government said Wednesday.

    Australian Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said Galit Carbone was killed Saturday at the Be’eri kibbutz near Gaza.

    Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong is leading government efforts to help an estimated 10,000 Australians in Israel who want to leave.


    WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Tuesday confirmed that U.S. citizens are among the hostages captured by Hamas as he condemned the militant group for the “sheer evil” of its shocking weekend assault on Israel.

    “Our hearts may be broken but our resolve is clear,” said Biden, who compared the brutality of the Hamas militants to that of the Islamic State terrorist group.

    Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris spoke by phone earlier on Tuesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the situation on the ground.

    Twenty or more U.S. citizens are unaccounted for, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Tuesday. He said he did not know precisely how many citizens are being held hostage, or their conditions. Biden confirmed earlier Tuesday that 14 Americans have been killed in the bloody Hamas incursion.


    JERUSALEM — A Portuguese woman studying in Tel Aviv, Israel, who was identified as missing after the Hamas attack on Israel, was found dead Tuesday.

    Rotem Neumann, 25, had been missing for at least three days by the time her body was found. Her death was confirmed by her cousin Tomer Neumann.

    Rotem Neumann was at the Teva festival, a music festival near the Gaza border that was invaded by militants in the early hours of Saturday morning. She first called her parents from the festival when she heard rocket fire, Tomer Neumann said. That was the last time the family heard from her.

    She then got into a car with friends and drove north, seeking shelter. The car soon encountered trucks filled with militants, shooting at them with machine guns. Panicked, they turned around and started going in the opposite direction. Militants with guns crowded the roads south, too.

    They climbed out of the car and began running east, away from the border, piling into a concrete shelter they found at Kibbutz Re’im. Rotem Neumann sent a message to a friend there, sharing with him her location so he could take shelter. Militants soon peppered the shelter with bullets.


    The Israeli military said it shelled Syria on Tuesday after rockets hit open land in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

    The military did not accuse any group of the rocket attack.

    The Syrian government did not comment. However, Britain-based opposition war monitor the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says a Palestinian faction conducted the rocket attack from Syrian territory.


    WASHINGTON — U.S. intelligence did not pick up signs of the Hamas attack on Israel, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Tuesday.

    “We did not see anything that suggested an attack of this type was going to unfold any more than the Israelis did,” Sullivan told reporters.

    As other White House officials have done in recent days, Sullivan also reiterated that the U.S. government has also not seen any direct linkage between Iran and the Hamas attack over the weekend.


    WASHINGTON — U.S. President Joe Biden is dispatching his top diplomat to Israel on an urgent mission to show U.S. support after the unprecedented attack by Hamas militants, the State Department said Tuesday.

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken will leave Wednesday and is expected to arrive Thursday to deliver a message of solidarity and support, and will “talk about what additional resources we can give them," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Tuesday.


    GAZA CITY — Israeli airstrikes since Saturday have resulted in 900 deaths in Gaza, including 260 children and 230 women, with an additional 4,500 individuals wounded, the Ministry of Health in Gaza said Tuesday.

    The airstrikes have caused the deaths of 150 members of 22 families, six health workers, and eight journalists, while 15 health workers and 20 journalists have been wounded, the ministry said.

    Airstrikes on residential neighborhoods have displaced approximately 140,000 citizens to U.N. shelters and hospitals, the ministry said. The U.N. is reporting that at least 200,000 residents have been displaced.

    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 07:09:00 +0100
  • Updated: Israel pounds Gaza neighbourhoods, as people scramble for safety in sealed-off territory

    Israeli warplanes pounded downtown Gaza City, home to Hamas' centers of government, with relentless bombardments into early Tuesday, after Israel’s prime minister vowed retaliation against the Islamic militant group that would “reverberate for generations.”

    The 4-day-old war has already claimed at least 1,600 lives, as Israel saw gun battles in the streets of its own towns for the first time in decades and neighborhoods in Gaza were reduced to rubble. Hamas also escalated the conflict, pledging to kill captured Israelis if strikes targeted civilians without warning.

    Israel said that Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza are holding more than 150 soldiers and civilians snatched from inside Israel after the attack caught its vaunted military and intelligence apparatus completely off guard.

    The Israeli military said it had largely gained control in the south and “restored full control” over the border. Spokesperson Richard Hecht said no Hamas fighters have crossed into Israel since last night, although infiltrations could still be possible.

    As the Israeli military activated 300,000 reservists in a massive mobilization, a major question was whether it will launch a ground assault into the tiny Mediterranean coastal territory. The last ground assault was in 2014.

    Thousands of Israelis were evacuated from more than a dozen towns near Gaza, and tanks and drones were deployed to guard breaches in the Gaza border fence against new incursions. In Gaza, tens of thousands fled their homes as airstrikes leveled buildings.

    The moves, along with Israel’s formal declaration of war on Sunday, pointed to Israel increasingly shifting to the offensive against Hamas, threatening greater destruction in the densely populated, impoverished Gaza Strip.

    “We have only started striking Hamas,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a nationally televised address. “What we will do to our enemies in the coming days will reverberate with them for generations.”

    The Israeli military said it struck hundreds of Hamas targets in Gaza’s City Rimal neighborhood, which is home to Hamas’ ministries and governing buildings, overnight.

    Hecht said Gazans were being told to evacuate “over social media” before strikes, but did not give details.

    On Monday, Israel found more bodies from Hamas’ stunning weekend attack into southern Israeli towns. Rescue workers found 100 bodies in the tiny farming community of Be’eri — around 10% of its population — after a long hostage standoff with gunmen.

    The Israeli military said more than 900 people already have been killed in Israel. In Gaza and the West Bank, 704 people have been killed, according to authorities there; Israel says hundreds of Hamas fighters are among them. Thousands have been wounded on both sides.

    In response to Israel's aerial attacks, the spokesman of Hamas' armed wing, Abu Obeida, said Monday night that the group will kill one Israeli civilian captive any time Israel targets civilians in their homes in Gaza “without prior warning.”

    Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen warned Hamas against harming any of the hostages, saying, “This war crime will not be forgiven.” Netanyahu appointed a former military commander to manage the hostage and missing persons crisis.

    Israel and Hamas have had repeated conflicts in past years, often sparked by tensions around a Jerusalem holy site. This time, the context has become potentially more explosive. Both sides talk of shattering with violence a yearslong Israeli-Palestinian deadlock left by the moribund peace process.

    The surprise weekend attack by Hamas left a death toll unseen since the 1973 war with Egypt and Syria. That fomented calls to crush Hamas no matter the cost, rather than continuing to try to bottle it up in Gaza. Israel is run by its most hard-right government ever, dominated by ministers who adamantly reject Palestinian statehood.

    Hamas, in turn, says it is ready for a long battle to end an Israeli occupation it says is no longer tolerable. Desperation has grown among Palestinians, many of whom see nothing to lose under unending Israeli control and increasing settler depredations in the West Bank, the blockade in Gaza and what they see as the world’s apathy.

    Attacks by both sides created more scenes of devastation Monday. In Israel's southern coastal city of Ashkelon, a man holding a crutch with one hand and an older boy with the other joined evacuees being shepherded from a street after a rocket blew out the front of a house.

    In Gaza, Palestinians passed the bodies of the dead through dense crowds of men in the rubble in the Jebaliya refugee camp.

    Early Monday evening, the sound of explosions echoed over Jerusalem when a volley of rockets fired from Gaza hit two neighborhoods — a sign of Hamas’s reach. Israeli media said seven were wounded.

    Israeli warplanes carried out an intense bombardment of Rimal, a residential and commercial district of central Gaza City, after issuing warnings for residents to evacuate. Amid continuous explosions, the building housing the headquarters of the Palestinian Telecommunications Company was destroyed.

    Israeli airstrikes on Gaza have razed 790 housing units and severely damaged 5,330, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said early Tuesday. Damage to three water and sanitation sites have cut off services to 400,000.

    Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a “complete siege” on Gaza, saying authorities would cut electricity and block the entry of food and fuel.

    Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council aid group, warned that Israel’s siege would spell “utter disaster” for Gazans.

    “There is no doubt that collective punishment is in violation of international law,” he told The Associated Press. “If and when it would lead to wounded children dying in hospitals because of lack of energy, electricity and supplies, it could amount to war crimes.”

    The Israeli siege will leave Gaza almost entirely dependent on its crossing into neighboring Egypt at Rafah, where cargo capacities are lower than other crossings into Israel.

    An Egyptian military official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press, said more than 2 tons of medical supplies from the Egyptian Red Crescent were sent to Gaza and efforts were underway to organize food and other deliveries.

    Tens of thousands of Gaza residents continued to flee. The U.N. said Tuesday that more than 187,000 of Gaza's 2.3 million people have left their homes — the most since a 2014 air and ground offensive by Israel uprooted about 400,000.

    UNRWA, the U.N. agencies for Palestinian refugees, is sheltering more than 137,000 people in schools across the territory. Families have taken in some 41,000 others.

    In the southern Gaza city of Rafah, an Israeli airstrike early Monday killed 19 people, including women and children, said Talat Barhoum, a doctor at the local Al-Najjar Hospital.

    Hundreds of Hamas militants were buried under rubble of buildings destroyed by Israel in the past 48 hours, according to Israeli Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari. His claims could not be confirmed.

    New exchanges on Israel’s northern border Monday raised worries that the war could spread to a new front.

    Palestinian militants from the Islamic Jihad group slipped from Lebanon into Israel, sparking Israeli shelling into southern Lebanon. Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group said five of its members were killed, and it retaliated with a volley of rockets and mortars at two Israeli army bases across the border.

    After breaking through Israeli barriers with explosives at daybreak Saturday, an estimated 1,000 Hamas gunmen rampaged for hours, gunning down civilians and snatching people in towns, along highways and at a techno music festival attended by thousands in the desert. Palestinian militants have also launched around 4,400 rockets at Israel, according to the military.

    Hamas spokesman Abdel-Latif al-Qanoua told the AP that the group’s fighters continued to battle outside Gaza and had captured more Israelis as recently as Monday morning.

    He said the group aims to free all Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, which in the past has agreed to lopsided exchange deals in which it released large numbers of prisoners for individual captives or even the remains of soldiers.

    Among the captives are soldiers and civilians, including women, children and older adults, mostly Israelis but also some people of other nationalities.

    Hamas has ruled Gaza since driving out forces loyal to the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority in 2007, and its rule has gone unchallenged through the blockade and four previous wars with Israel.

    Meanwhile in the West Bank, Palestinians entered a fourth day under severe movement restrictions. Israeli authorities have sealed off crossings to the occupied territory and closed checkpoints, blocking movement between cities and towns. Clashes between rock-throwing Palestinians and Israeli forces in the territory since the start of the incursion have left 15 Palestinians dead, according to the U.N.

    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 07:03:00 +0100
    Nederland: AD_Sportwereld: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 22:12:59)
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    Met je master meteen aansluiten bij de behoefte van de industrie. Het nieuwe vak âPractical aspects of Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech â voorziet daarin en sluit aan bij het...
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    Nederland: Kanaal 2: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 27 september 2023 18:37:02)
  • Bijwerkingen na coronavaccinatie bij mensen met MS
    Bijwerkingen na coronavaccinatie bij mensen met MS

    Bijwerkingencentrum Lareb heeft tot en met de zomer van 2022 ongeveer 200 meldingen ontvangen van mensen met multiple sclerose (MS) na coronavaccinatie. De meeste meldingen gingen over de bekende bijwerkingen die ook in de bijsluiter staan.

    De helft van de meldingen die Lareb ontving van mensen met MS ging over de eerste coronavaccinatie. Een kwart ging over de tweede vaccinatie en nog een kwart over de derde of vierde vaccinatie. Er waren ongeveer evenveel meldingen op de coronavaccins van Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna en AstraZeneca. In de meeste meldingen ging het om bekende bijwerkingen zoals vermoeidheid, hoofdpijn, prikplekreacties of spierpijn.

    Tijdelijke verergering van bestaande MS-klachten
    Lareb ontving ook meldingen waarbij er een tijdelijke verergering van bestaande MS-klachten was. Deze verergering wordt mogelijk uitgelokt door onderliggende bijwerkingen na vaccinatie, zoals koorts of griepachtige klachten. De meeste melders gaven aan dat de klachten binnen één of twee dagen na vaccinatie ontstonden en kortdurend waren. Lees hier meer over in het artikel voor het magazine MenSen van de MS-vereniging.

    Verergering of opvlamming van bestaande MS-klachten worden ook beschreven in internationale onderzoeken, ook na andere vaccinaties of na een COVID-19 infectie. Er zijn geen aanwijzingen dat vaccinatie kan leiden tot het ontstaan van MS.

    Sat, 01 Apr 2023 09:29:08 +0200
  • Bimervax goedgekeurd als booster coronavaccin
    Bimervax goedgekeurd als booster coronavaccin

    Het coronavaccin Bimervax is geschikt als boostervaccin voor mensen vanaf 16 jaar, die eerder gevaccineerd zijn met een coronavaccin van BioNTech/Pfizer of Moderna. Dat advies geeft het beoordelingscomité van het Europees medicijnagentschap EMA. Nederland is vertegenwoordigd in dit comité.

    Bimervax van fabrikant Hipra is een zogeheten ‘geadjuveerd recombinant eiwitvaccin’. Dat betekent dat in het vaccin kleine deeltjes zitten van het spike-eiwit van de alfa- en bètavariant van het coronavirus. Deze deeltjes zijn in het laboratorium gemaakt. Ook zit in het vaccin een ‘adjuvans’. Dat is een hulpstof die zorgt dat de afweerreactie op de prik sterker wordt. Dit vaccin beschermt tegen ernstige ziekte door het coronavirus

    Lees verder op de website van het CBG.

    Sat, 01 Apr 2023 09:27:55 +0200
  • 50 jaar MRI: hoe het LUMC deze onmisbare technologie betaalbaar maakt voor de rest van de wereld
    50 jaar MRI: hoe het LUMC deze onmisbare technologie betaalbaar maakt voor de rest van de wereld

    Precies 50 jaar geleden publiceerde Paul Lauterbur in Nature het basisprincipe van MRI. Een revolutie binnen de geneeskunde. Sindsdien is MRI steeds gedetailleerder, maar ook duurder geworden. Hierdoor is MRI voor een groot deel van de wereldbevolking ontoegankelijk. Hoogleraar aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), Andrew Webb, beschrijft deze week in Nature wat er nodig is om de hele wereldbevolking te laten profiteren van MRI.

    Lees verder op de website van het LUMC.

    Sun, 19 Mar 2023 09:11:26 +0100
    Nederland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 00:08:35)
  • Vormen de aanwijzingen voor het bestaan van planeet Negen soms bewijs voor alternatieve zwaartekracht?
    Planeet Negen is een veronderstelde planeet die zich in het buitenste gedeelte van het zonnestelsel – ver buiten de baan van Neptunus – zou bevinden en waarvan het bestaan in 2016 voor het eerst werd geopperd door Konstantin Batygin en Michael E. Brown, wetenschappers aan de Caltech Universiteit. Het tweetal baseerde zich op de waargenomen […]
    Fri, 06 Oct 2023 10:58:01 +0000
    Nederland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 20 april 2022 11:12:56)
  • tekst Peter Verhaar in 2e kamer inzake Fintech/crowdlending
    Ik zit hier namens Monefy, een bedrijf dat consumenten en het MKB een alternatief wil bieden voor een traditionele bancaire ...... Lees verder: tekst Peter Verhaar in 2e kamer inzake Fintech/crowdlending
    Sat, 23 Jan 2016 15:38:37 +0000
  • position paper voor Fintech Ronde Tafel 2e kamer 21 januari 2016



    Monefy wil consumenten en het MKB een alternatief bieden voor een bancaire financiering. Denk ...... Lees verder: position paper voor Fintech Ronde Tafel 2e kamer 21 januari 2016
    Sat, 16 Jan 2016 08:18:11 +0000
    Nederland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 01:42:01)
  • Financials en tech blikvangers in bijna groene AEX
    De Amsterdamse beurs is dinsdag hoger geëindigd. Met een slot van 738,89 punten steeg de AEX 1,8 procent.
    Nederland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 21 december 2022 15:23:51)
  • Arno Wellens over de economie van Corona
    Arno Wellens waarschuwt al een tijdje voor een nieuwe bankencrisis. In 2018 waren sommige banken technisch failliet, waaronder de grote Deutsche Bank. Arno legde dat in zeer begrijpelijke termen uit. Deze economische journalist heeft ook een eigen blog en deze lente was hij lijstduwer van de kleine Libertijnse partij. Op dit moment waarschuwt Arno voor […]
    Mon, 18 Oct 2021 09:54:02 +0000
    Nederland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 11 oktober 2023 10:42:38)
  • High-techsector Israël naar slagveld
    De techwereld gaat heel snel de impact voelen van de volledige belegering van de Gazastrook. Het Israëlische leger heeft honderdduizenden reservisten opgeroepen waarvan er velen werken in de tech-sector zowel binnen- als buitenland.
    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 17:10:00 CEST
  • Oorlog tegen Israël heeft brede impact op tech
    De oorlog tegen Israël heeft meteen al aanzienlijke impact op de techsector. Investeerders schatten dat een belangrijk deel van de Israëlische techwerkers, met name jonge ontwikkelaars die in dienst zijn van startups, als reservisten de Gazastrook...
    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 17:10:00 CEST
  • Mbo krijgt demo-datacenter van Digital Realty
    Studenten aan het Amsterdamse MBO College Zuidoost kunnen sinds vorige week oefenen in een demo-datacenter in hun schoolgebouw. Datacenteraanbieder Digital Realty richtte de oefenruimte in voor studenten Cloud & Infrastructure Technician. Het idee is dat de...
    Mon, 09 Oct 2023 15:46:00 CEST
  • Eindhoven krijgt metaverse-innovatiehub 3eality
    Wie denkt dat de metaverse zijn beste tijd heeft gehad, heeft het mogelijk mis. Op de High Tech Campus Eindhoven is donderdag de eerste fysieke innovatiehub in de Benelux op het gebied van metaverse en spatial...
    Fri, 06 Oct 2023 16:38:00 CEST
  • It-leider verontrust over security bij tech-innovatie
    Driekwart van de Nederlandse it-leiders meent dat zorgen over cybersecurity binnen hun organisatie investeringen in innovatieve tech tegenhouden. Daarnaast geeft 92 procent aan dat ze nieuwe tech een gevaar vinden of zelfs als een inbreuk hebben...
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 13:45:00 CEST
    Nederland: Computeridee: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: woensdag 20 april 2022 08:37:13)
  • ProtonMail biedt tijdelijk gratis aan
    Proton Technologies AG kondigt een nieuw e-maildomein aan, waarmee je op veilige wijze mails verstuurt. Het gaat om het kortere
    Wed, 13 Apr 2022 09:17:16 +0200

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    Red neon circle light frame with cloud smoke effect. Led abstract ring with glow and flare. Realistic and mystery laser round surreal smokey design. Futuristic magic glowing music stage graphic   Published: 2024-04-27 - 21:42:18

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