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1508 items in de category World in vrijdag     De links 721 t/m 770.

World: Japan: James Corbett Articles [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: vrijdag 13 oktober 2023 17:48:27)
  • The Global Uprising Against CBDCs Has Begun!
    Of course you're not hearing about the CBDC pushback in the establishment media. Why would they tout their masters' failures, after all? But, weirdly enough, you're not hearing much about this pushback in the alt media either. Let's correct that today, shall we?

  • July Open Thread
    Ladies and gentlemen, today marking the 1st day of the month we call July, I present to you (without further ado than is reasonably necessary ((considering the monumental importance of such an event))) the one, the only, the much anticipated . . . July Open Thread.

  • The Covid Protesters — Where Are They Now?
    The people who are looking to traumatize and scare you, to keep you compliant and complacent, will never tell you what ended up happening to the COVID resisters. So, allow me to do exactly that.

  • June Open Thread (2023)
    Yes, I'm heading to Bath for the Better Way Conference, so in the meantime enjoy an (early!) June Open Thread.

  • August Open Thread (2023)
    Hey everyone! I hope you're out and about enjoying the lovely summer of global boiling, but just in case you do find yourself looking at a screen I present for your edification and enjoyment the August Open Thread.

  • September Open Thread (2023)
    Corbett Report members are invited to log in and engage in discussion in this month's open thread.

  • The Looting Conspiracy
    So, what's really behind this explosion in retail theft? And, more to the point, what do the powers-that-shouldn't-be have in store as their "solution" to this (generated) problem? The answers may surprise you.

  • Meet J. P. Morgan, Bankster-in-Chief
    How did John Pierpont Morgan's life experiences shape a sickly young boy into the financial monarch he eventually became? And how did he, in turn, shape the world around him with the vast wealth that was at his disposal? Let's find out.

  • The Beeb: Inside the UK’s coincidence theory broadcaster that shares violence and hate
    This week I present to you a hit piece about the BBC in the style of the BBC's own hit pieces! Enjoy!

  • October Open Thread (2023)
    It's the first weekend of October so I'm opening up the October Open Thread for members to discuss the latest news and happenings from around the world, or just to share personal anecdotes or talk about life, music, the world and everything.

    World: Japan: The Corbett Report [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: vrijdag 13 oktober 2023 18:17:12)
  • Interview 1841 - Israel, Propaganda and Apocalypse on The Truth Expedition

    [iframe src="" width="90%" height="320" allow="fullscreen"]

    via The Truth Expedition: James Corbett is the curator of, which is my preferred destination for open-source intelligence news. The Corbett Report is a listener-supported, independent news source. The Corbett Report is, in my opinion, the most valuable, thorough, and relevant news source in the world. During this Expedition, we talk about the recent attack on Israel and the potential for further fallout, the value, if any, in voting, 9/11, and much more.

    The post Interview 1841 - Israel, Propaganda and Apocalypse on The Truth Expedition first appeared on The Corbett Report.

    Fri, 13 Oct 2023 10:55:56 +0000
  • Interview 1840 - Will the Al-Aqsa Flood Drown Us All? - #NewWorldNextWeek

    This week on the New World Next Week James and James cover all aspects of the Al-Aqsa Flood, from the highly suspicious nature of the events to the crude atrocity propaganda being pushed in its wake to the ever-present specter of WWIII that hangs over every conflict in the region.

    The post Interview 1840 - Will the Al-Aqsa Flood Drown Us All? - #NewWorldNextWeek first appeared on The Corbett Report.

    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:27:09 +0000
  • A Gentleman's Guide to Trolls, Bots, Sealions, Forum Spies and Other Pests - #SolutionsWatch

    Let's face it: comments often suck. And who's to say they're even real? But what's the solution to these crappy communications? Well, don't read the comments, of course. But if you do decide to wage into the infowar battlespace that is the comments section, then at the very least you need to arm yourself with knowledge of the various tactics that the trolls, bots, disinformation agents, psyops warriors, sealions and forum spies are employing to derail you from taking meaningful action. Today on #SolutionsWatch I'll help do just that by reviewing The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies.

    The post A Gentleman's Guide to Trolls, Bots, Sealions, Forum Spies and Other Pests - #SolutionsWatch first appeared on The Corbett Report.

    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 06:41:15 +0000
  • Interview 1839 - A Million People Need to Share This Video on CHD TV

    via CHD TV: Meet Steve Solomon †Principal Legal Officer at the WHO. After it was revealed at the fifth meeting of the WGIHR that the group would be unable to meet their deadline, Solomon stepped in to reinterpret article 55 in what appears to be an attempt to PREVENT the public from seeing the amendments before they are passed. Are these ‘negotiations’ on the IHR amendments and pandemic accord really just smokescreen and theater, designed to placate the public into thinking there is some sort of democratic process in place †as the digital biosecurity state is already being built up around us? Dr. Meryl Nass, James Corbett, and James Roguski peel back the lies and warn us why it’s time to start paying attention. Tune in!

    The post Interview 1839 - A Million People Need to Share This Video on CHD TV first appeared on The Corbett Report.

    Mon, 09 Oct 2023 22:05:45 +0000
  • The BBC Exposed (2013)

    FROM 2013: For much of its 80 year existence, the BBC has been criticized by those who believe it to be an insidious mixture of political and cultural power, and now in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal, the British public is once again outraged at their national broadcaster. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we examine the history, function, and institutional biases of the BBC, and how the British people are rising up against the Big Brother Corporation.

    The post The BBC Exposed (2013) first appeared on The Corbett Report.

    Sat, 07 Oct 2023 10:33:22 +0000
  • Interview 1838 - Please Register Your Podcast With the Government - #NewWorldNextWeek

    This week on the New World Next Week: Canada continues its online crackdown with its latest totalitarian moves to regulate online streaming and podcast platforms; JPMorgan gets yet another wrist slap as regulators do their REAL job; and the Taos terror trial finally gets rolling as lockdowns and drills and exercises explode across the headlines.

    The post Interview 1838 - Please Register Your Podcast With the Government - #NewWorldNextWeek first appeared on The Corbett Report.

    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 21:42:36 +0000
  • The Corbett Report — Now with TRANSCRIPTS!

    Did you know that there are full, hyperlinked transcripts available for all of my documentary productions? Well, there are! Did you further know that Substack just added an automatic machine transcription which is now transcribing all of my audio uploads to their platform? Well, they did! You can see the transcripts on the latest uploads at While you're there, why not sign up for my free email list and/or become a Corbett Report member? That way, you can get access to my weekly newsletter (which, by the way, is NOT an email!)

    The post The Corbett Report †Now with TRANSCRIPTS! first appeared on The Corbett Report.

    Wed, 04 Oct 2023 09:40:59 +0000
  • Episode 451 - I Read Yuval Noah Harari's Book (So You Don't Have To!)

    You may think you know what transhumanist propaganda WEF minion Yuval Noah Harari is spreading, but if you haven't read his book you don't know the half of it! And so, in the increasingly illustrious tradition of previous editions of the "I Read" series, today on The Corbett Report podcast I present to you a summary and synopsis of Yuval Noah Harari's 2016 tome, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. Strap in, folks. This one takes some weird twists and turns.

    The post Episode 451 - I Read Yuval Noah Harari's Book (So You Don't Have To!) first appeared on The Corbett Report.

    Mon, 02 Oct 2023 11:03:34 +0000
    World: Liveleak VideoNews: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: vrijdag 22 januari 2021 03:38:03)
  • How to wreckk your car in one...
    Rufford Ford Vehicles vs DEEP water
    Thu, 21 Jan 2021 08:13:07 -0500
  • TACP Airmen and A-10s at the Range
    Osan TACP airmen conduct routine training at the Pilsung Range, Republic of Korea.

    Video Contents: High Def export, 59.94 frame rate for slow motion, broll of TACP setting up and calling in A-10's, Nat sound of comms between TACP/Pilot, bomb strikes on target with nat sound, shockwaves, and extended smoke billowing, A-10 Gau-8 firing and 30mm impacts/sparks on targets.

    video by Tech. Sgt. Nicholas Alder
    Thu, 21 Jan 2021 08:01:06 -0500
  • Baghdad twin suicide bombing claims at least 20 lives, injures over 40
    This was the immediate aftermath of a twin suicide bombing in Baghdad's Tayaran Square today (Janaury 21).

    Footage shows the distressing aftermath of the explosion that has killed at least 20 and injured more than 40 others.

    Filmer Mohammed Hisham - a civil engineer currently studying law - was working in the Bab al-Sharqi neighbourhood close to where the bomb detonated.

    One video that circulated online showed the second bomb's detonation, instantly killing multiple people.

    A military spokesperson said: "[The attack was] carried out by two suicide bombers who detonated themselves when pursued by security forces."
    Thu, 21 Jan 2021 06:21:02 -0500
  • Fire bursts out of car when motorist fills it up with petrol in central China
    Flames burst out of a car when the motorist filled it up with petrol in central China.

    The video, filmed in the city of Yichang in Hubei Province on January 19, shows a ball of fire suddenly bursting out of a car when the motorist was about to touch the petrol pump nozzle.

    The motorist then ran to pick up an extinguisher but he did not know how to use it.

    Luckily, a petrol station worker came with an extinguisher to help the motorist put out the fire on his car.

    According to reports, the fire might have been caused by the static electricity that emerged when the motorist touched the nozzle.

    The case is under further investigation, reports said.

    The video was provided by local media with permission.
    Thu, 21 Jan 2021 04:21:03 -0500
  • Small protest in Portland, Oregon leads to handful of arrests
    Protests in Portland, Oregon, were formed on Inauguration Day. Due to the heavy law enforcement, no huge crowd was gathered. About 200 people gathered and marched in Northeast Portland. Multiple people have been arrested after these people smashing windows at the Democratic Party of Oregon building.
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 23:21:01 -0500
  • That went well...sort of!
    A man who was allegedly filmed performing burnouts in his $100,000au Mercedes Benz has been charged after the luxury car burst into flames.
    Emergency crews were called to Chester Hill, in Sydney's western suburbs, on Sunday after the AMG C63S coupe caught fire.
    The 25-year-old driver was filmed revving the black coupe on a suburban street in front of a crowd of onlookers.
    Smoke began to billow from the exhaust, prompting the driver and his passengers to flee the car.
    After arriving on the scene, first responders were told the car had by chance caught fire while being driven down the street.

    However police soon realised the driver had allegedly been trying to perform a burnout after they found video footage being circulated online.
    The driver, passengers and witnesses escaped injury, but the Mercedes was destroyed by the explosion.
    The driver, who owns the car, was charged with drive manner dangerous, and negligent driving.
    He will appear in Bankstown Local Court on March 11.
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 21:14:32 -0500
  • Spooked By A Monk
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 20:27:44 -0500
  • Pedestrian hit by falling ice
    Winter sucks.
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 19:55:46 -0500
  • Police Foils Robbery
    Biker thanks heavens for keeping his ride.
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 17:03:28 -0500
  • MAGA Breakdown At Inauguration
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:56:05 -0500
  • Cheers ring out across New York as Biden is sworn in as president
    Cheers rang out across New York as the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden was streamed live on television on January 20.

    Footage captured by Twitter user @RyGil01 shows 97th Street in Manhattan as residents cheer on the new president and vice president.
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 14:42:07 -0500
  • Citizen journalist has camera stolen after being cornered at BLM rally in New York
    This was the moment a citizen journalist in New York had was cornered and had her camera stolen while attending a Black Lives Matter rally on Martin Luther King Day (January 18).

    Footage shows the woman being surrounded by demonstrators as she is attempting to film.

    Protesters use the flashlights on their phones to obscure what she is filming as her camera is snatched from her.

    In her attempt to retrieve the device she is taken into the crowd screaming: "They stole my camera!"

    The filmer told Newsflare: "BLM falsely accuses street journalist of being wanted by the FBI and a Nazi. "They corner her, steal her camera and then later make fun of her for it."
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 13:21:02 -0500
    World: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: vrijdag 6 oktober 2023 11:19:06)
  • Debate settled? Oldest human footprints in North America really are 23,000 years old, study finds
    Scientists have used several methods to show that human footprints found in White Sands National Park are around 23,000 years old.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 20:07:53 +0000
  • Jelling Stone analysis reveals runestone carver's name and identifies a powerful Viking queen
    New 3D scans have revealed new information about Denmark's famous Jelling Stone, including the identity of a powerful Viking queen.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 19:06:45 +0000
  • Potential discovery of a dozen objects beyond Pluto could reveal a new section of the solar system we never knew about
    Astronomers may have detected a dozen large objects lurking beyond the Kuiper Belt at the edge of our solar system, suggesting there could be another equally massive, "second Kuiper Belt" hiding beyond the orbit of Pluto.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 18:05:40 +0000
  • James Webb Space Telescope spots dozens of physics-breaking rogue objects floating through space in pairs
    Astronomers spotted Jupiter-mass binary objects (JUMBOs) in the Orion constellation, and they don't know how the objects formed.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:31:39 +0000
  • US government issues 1st-ever space junk fine, charging satellite TV company whopping $150k
    The FCC issued its first-ever fine for a space debris violation, slapping the DISH satellite TV company with a $150,000 penalty.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:21:00 +0000
  • 700-year-old coin depicting Jesus and medieval king discovered in Bulgaria
    Archaeologists in Bulgaria have discovered a medieval silver coin that features a Serbian king and a saint on one side and Jesus on the other.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:01:00 +0000
  • Earth's solid inner core is 'surprisingly soft' thanks to hyperactive atoms jostling around
    Atoms within the enormous ball of iron in Earth's inner core may move around much more than previously thought, which could explain recent findings about the core's surprising softness.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 16:42:51 +0000
  • 45-mile-long iceberg slams into penguin refuge in Antarctica, almost causing ecological disaster
    Hefty iceberg D-30A has collided with Clarence Island †an important refuge for breeding penguins in Antarctica. But luckily, the penguins weren't at home when the berg struck.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 15:11:12 +0000
  • Highest-energy pulsar ever seen could indicate new physics
    The surprising detection of light 200 times more powerful than previous observations from the nearby pulsar Vela indicates hidden physics around dead stars.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 15:02:25 +0000
  • Neurons aren't the only cells that make memories in the brain, rodent study reveals
    Blood-vessel-making cells called pericytes collaborate with neurons to form long-term memories in the mouse brain.
    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 14:16:34 +0000
    World: Mother Nature Network: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: Vrijdag 12 Juni 2020, 00:16:38 )
  • The Latest from MNN - Mother Nature Network

    Thu, 04 Jun 2020 13:03:50 +0000
  • Forest products help power local economies

    Billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs help weather tough times.
    Thu, 04 Jun 2020 13:03:50 +0000
  • Meet the first baby koala born in Australian wildlife park since devastating wildfires

    An Australia wildlife park celebrates the birth of its first baby koala since bushfires devastated the area.
    Tue, 02 Jun 2020 15:07:19 +0000
  • Lots of people with canceled summer travel plans are diving into the RV life

    There are safer and less-safe ways to take advantage of RVs during uncertain times.
    Tue, 02 Jun 2020 12:05:17 +0000
  • New Zealand is sitting on top of a massive bubble of lava from an ancient volcano

    Scientists say powerful undersea eruptions from an ancient New Zealand volcano created a lava plume the size of India.
    Tue, 02 Jun 2020 11:29:00 +0000
  • Why understanding your body temperature matters right now

    You're probably using a thermometer a lot more often lately, so here's why understanding your body temperature really matters.
    Mon, 01 Jun 2020 15:16:28 +0000
  • National Park Service rolls out clever social distancing posters

    As parks reopen around the country, the NPS offers up some humorous advice for staying safe.
    Mon, 01 Jun 2020 15:04:06 +0000
  • SpaceX opens a new chapter in U.S. spaceflight

    The private space company made history Saturday with the launch of two NASA astronauts into space.
    Mon, 01 Jun 2020 12:49:02 +0000
  • Bird-watching has boomed during the pandemic

    Lockdown may have given us a renewed love for all that sings and soars in the natural world.
    Fri, 29 May 2020 19:52:32 +0000
  • Why radical homemaking makes sense

    Shannon Hayes, who blogs as the Radical Homemaker, sees homemaking as an ecological movement.
    Fri, 29 May 2020 17:30:35 +0000

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