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1508 items in de category World in vrijdag     De links 421 t/m 470.

World: Dailymail Heath: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: vrijdag 13 oktober 2023 19:02:00)
  • Finally a cure for chronic cold hands? Researchers find genetic cause of Raynaud's phenomenon that blights hundreds of millions
    Scientists from Germany and the UK have identified the cause of Raynaud's syndrome, a chronic cold hands condition that causes misery for hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:01:37 GMT
  • I'm a cosmetic dentist - here's why you should never open packets with your teeth
    Dr Shahira Saad, a cosmetic dentist in California, posted a viral TikTok about dental habits to avoid. Charcoal toothpaste, using your teeth as tools, and chewing ice made the list.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 17:34:23 GMT
  • The food additive BANNED in the EU (and Northern Ireland) but still lurking in chewing gum, white chocolate and sauces sold in Britain
    Titanium dioxide, also known as E171, is still found in dozens of items on supermarket shelves in the UK, from cakes and sweet to chewing gum and mayonnaise.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:28:46 GMT
  • Drunk GP 'caught with empty wine bottle in her desk after patients complained she was slurring' gets suspended for three months
    A GP who drank so much wine on the job that she was unable to stand now faces being suspended from the medical profession for the next three months after turning to booze due to stress.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:57:43 GMT
  • 'Never start vaping': Heartbreaking plea of girl, 12, who was hospitalised with lung damage and left 'fighting for her life' in a four-day coma
    A young girl from North Belfast left with permanent lung damage from her vaping addiction has urged children to never pick up the habit as ministers vow to stop Britain's child e-cigarette epidemic.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:52:41 GMT
  • The app that is 100 PERCENT effective at spotting some skin cancers - as study shows melanoma no longer the biggest killer
    Artificial intelligence software can now detect signs of melanoma on a person's skin with 100 percent accuracy, a new study from dermatologists in Birmingham, UK found.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:47:59 GMT
  • NHS waiting list shoots to ANOTHER record high with 7.75million patients stuck in backlog amid fears worse is yet to come with winter looming
    England's ever-growing backlog now stands at 7.75million patients - the equivalent of one in seven people. This includes nearly 400,000 stuck in the system for over a year, often in pain.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:43:00 GMT
  • I'm a psychologist, here's why dreaming about your hobby might be a sign you've become obsessed
    The warning signs that you have crossed over into obsessive behavior aren't always obvious, said Singapore psychologist and leadership coach Dr Perpetua Neo, speaking to
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 12:54:03 GMT
  • Cancer's grim chokehold on Britain: Sobering charts show how disease is robbing sufferers of up to 25 YEARS - with cases of melanoma, breast and prostate having soared since the 90s
    A Brit with cancer can now expect to lose more years of life than in the 1980s new data suggests but cancer experts have revealed the dire sounding statistic isn't all that it seems.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 09:02:53 GMT
  • Major safety alert over CBD products promoted by celebrities including Claudia Winkleman is issued by watchdogs
    Watchdogs say regular long-term consumption of CBD is 'potentially harmful' to the liver and thyroid. CBD brands in the UK include Cannaray, promoted by Claudia Winkleman (pictured).
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 08:38:27 GMT
  • Thanks to an alternative fertility centre set up by the King at one of his estates, 40 women who feared they'd never be mothers have given birth. Now meet the... Babies born by royal appointment
    Dubbed the 'Royal NHS ', Dumfries House offers couples and single women who have struggled to conceive a programme of complementary therapy treatments called the Fertility Wellbeing scheme.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 07:26:18 GMT
  • Forget fat jabs. The hot 'new' diet craze is... cottage cheese! Shame it looks like cellulite and tastes like milk left in the sun for a week, says CLAUDIA CONNELL
    While the new Ozempic weight-loss jab has been lauded as a game-changer, Gen Z social media users have got behind a much older - and humbler - magic bullet for dieters: cottage cheese.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 00:41:40 GMT
  • Adding an extra cup of unsweetened coffee to your daily routine leads to sustained weight loss, study suggests
    An additional cup of unsweetened coffee was linked to a decrease of a quarter of a pound (0.12 kilograms) over four years, researchers at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts suggested.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:14:01 GMT
  • The 15 joint-soothing foods that scientists now believe could treat long Covid
    Doctors at the University of Southern California (USC) announced this week a clinical trial that will test the effect of anti-inflammatory foods, such as berries and fish, on long Covid symptoms.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:08:48 GMT
  • Woman robbed of right arm in horrifying farming accident 20 years ago gets brain-powered bionic arm (and it's so good she can now use a screwdriver!)
    A team of engineers and surgeons from across Sweden, Australia, Italy and the US developed the prosthetic, which is surgically permanently attached to the bone.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:00:52 GMT
  • Two herbicides detected in up to 98% of children may cause learning and social difficulties, study warns
    Researchers from the University of California San Diego found that glyphosate was present in 98 percent of the 520 urine samples. The chemical was linked to lower scores in tests.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:56:41 GMT
    World: Dailymail Science: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: vrijdag 13 oktober 2023 10:09:39)
  • NASA's Psyche mission to a $10,000 QUADRILLION asteroid will launch today - how and when to watch lift-off
    Following bad weather earlier this week, the US space agency will now attempt the launch at 10:19 ET (15:19 BST) today from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida .
    Fri, 13 Oct 2023 07:58:47 GMT
  • Chinese mitten crab invasion is growing and we won't ever be able to force them out of UK, says expert - as Britain's first trap to catch them is unveiled
    EXCLUSIVE: Dr Paul Clark, a researcher at the department of life sciences for the Natural History Museum, who specialises in Chinese mitten crabs spoke to MailOnline.
    Fri, 13 Oct 2023 07:22:48 GMT
  • Harvard scientist believes 'exotic' metals found at bottom of ocean came from Earth-like exoplanet - now race is on to find out if they really are ALIEN-made
    Alien-hunter, Avi Loeb, has published a new analysis of the metallic fragments found in the Pacific. While they can be naturally explained, he is not ruling out that they came from alien technology.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 23:11:03 GMT
  • NASA sun probe becomes the fastest man-made object in history after traveling nearly 400,000mph over the solar surface
    NASA's Parker Solar Probe clocked 394,736 mph, nearly twice as fast as a bolt of lightning. The craft coasted just 4.51million miles above the sun's 9,980F surface
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 21:02:37 GMT
  • FAA says Elon Musk's Starlink satellites could KILL someone by 2035 - but SpaceX calls report 'preposterous, unjustified, and inaccurate'
    A new report from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) claims Starlinks would represent more than 85 percent of the expected risk to people on the ground.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 20:57:16 GMT
  • Hundreds of stores from Walgreens to Macy's are silently deploying facial recognition technology to spy on shoppers (and it's legal in most states)
    Major retailers are already using facial recognition cameras to spy on shoppers, both to identify shoplifters and serve 'personalized' adverts, a campaigning group has warned.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 18:41:34 GMT
  • Some iPhone 15 Pros are STILL overheating despite Apple releasing its updated iOS to address the issue, users claim confirmed some iPhone 15 Pro users are still experiencing overheating issues despite Apple releasing an iOS 17 update that the tech giant said would fix the problems.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 18:21:43 GMT
  • Antarctica's melting ice shelves have unleashed 7.5 TRILLION tonnes of water into the oceans since 1997, study finds
    Analyzing 100,000 satellite radar images, researchers from the University of Leeds discovered a steady erosion of the continent's ice sheets, with over 40 per shrinking between 1997 and 2021.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 18:00:49 GMT
  • Now Levi's climate-conscious CEO - who admits to never using a washing machine - suggests a new bizarre way to clean your jeans to save the planet
    Levi's CEO Chip Bergh said he wears his jeans into the shower to clean them. Denim fibers with indigo dye toxins have been accumulating in the Great Lakes and the Arctic.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:50:39 GMT
  • Here's what the perfect boyfriend looks like in every US state, according to AI - so what does it say about where YOU live?
    A survey of more than 2,000 Americans have revealed the ideal boyfriends for each US state. But the average answers were blue eyes, short and curly brown hair, and an outdoorsy look.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:21:17 GMT
  • Motorways on the MOON! Astronauts could use sunlight to turn lunar soil into paved roads, scientists say
    To test their theory, researchers at Aalen University in Germany carried out experiments on a lunar soil substitute developed by the European Space Agency.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 15:01:38 GMT
  • Smartphones could soon last a MONTH before running out of battery thanks to a new microchip
    Scientists at Cambridge University are working on a microchip that could run so efficiently devices could only need to be charged only 12 times a year.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:54:55 GMT
  • iPhone users say their smartphones are mysteriously turning off in the middle of the night - here's what to do if your device is affected
    Users say they've been prompted to enter their PINs first thing in the morning, which suggests a reboot has happened on its own accord.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:18:39 GMT
  • Bad news for 'tradwives': Mothers who believe that men should hold the power in the family are less responsive parents, study finds
    Researchers from the University of Auckland have revealed that both mothers and fathers who think men should have the authority are less responsive parents.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:00:06 GMT
  • The great Chinese mitten crab invasion: Map shows how clawed incomers have spread across UK as experts warn they are endangering British riverbanks - and can give a painful nip if threatened
    The crabs, which first appeared in the UK in 1935, have recently been seen scuttling around London and Cambridgeshire.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:03:35 GMT
  • NASA's Psyche launch is DELAYED: Mission to a $10,000 QUADRILLION asteroid packed full of precious metals is pushed back due to poor weather
    The US space agency is instead targeting a lift-off at 10:19 ET (15:19 BST) tomorrow (Friday) from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 10:19:27 GMT
  • BT has closed down a popular app in a service shake-up that will affect hundreds of sports fans
    Sports fans have been left furious as BT blows the final whistle on its popular sports streaming app, BT Sport.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 10:03:34 GMT
  • Urgent warning to Facebook users over Jo Malone advent calendar scam - here's how to make sure you're not duped
    Seven scam ads have been discovered by Which? on Facebook, promoting Jo Malone's £350 advent calendar for just £30.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 08:47:30 GMT
  • Around 844 MILLION vapes are dumped worldwide every year - equivalent in weight to six Eiffel Towers, figures reveal
    Around 844 million vaping devices are dumped worldwide each year, according to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 08:36:52 GMT
  • Monkey who received a PIG kidney survives for two years in 'significant step forward' for organ transplants, researchers say
    Researchers at biotechnology company eGenesis and Harvard Medical School transplanted kidneys from genetically modified Yucatan miniature pigs into macaque monkeys.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 07:22:16 GMT
  • Time to move? US East Coast and Middle American homes could be too hot to live in by 2100, scientists warn
    More than 300 million people from Florida to New York and Houston to Chicago could experience lethal combinations of heat and humidity by 2100 if global temperatures rise
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 22:24:05 GMT
  • Sorer than humanly possible: People with Neanderthal genes are more likely to be sensitive to pain, study finds
    Variants of gene SCN9A make people more sensitive to pain from sharp pokes. The three versions of SCN9A are found most in people of Native American ancestry
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 20:04:16 GMT
  • EXCLUSIVE: I've handled the Mexican 'alien mummies' that set the world alight last month - I don't think they're aliens, I think they're something much SCARIER
    New York ufologist Will Galison said he believes the mummies are not alien corpses, but are dummies made from animal remains a millennia ago possibly for ritual purposes.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 19:22:18 GMT
  • Source of 'alien' radio signals may have been discovered by scientists studying the pulses that travel at the speed of light
    Scientists in Japan claim to have uncovered the source of mysterious 'alien' radio signals. Thousands of these pulses have been discovered since 2007 and scientists have developed different theories.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 19:00:46 GMT
  • NASA unveils first analysis of world-ending asteroid Bennu that could crash into Earth in next 150 years - after landmark mission saw agency send probe to giant space rock
    NASA is hosting a livestream today from Texas to show images and data of the samples collected from asteroid Bennu, which could reveal how life formed on Earth.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:47:34 GMT
  • Thinstagram! Selfies make you look slimmer than normal photos, study finds
    Researchers from York St John University and the University of York asked 272 people to rate photos of 10 volunteer models dressed in exercise clothing.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:00:46 GMT
  • Incredible image reveals the moment two icy exoplanets COLLIDED 1,800 light-years away - releasing an enormous cloud of dust
    The astonishing discovery, revealed in a study led by Leiden University in the Netherlands, marked the first time astronomers have captured the afterglow of a planetary collision in outer space.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:00:59 GMT
  • Climate change is making wine taste BETTER: Warm summers and wet winters yield better quality vintages, study finds
    An analysis of 50 years' worth of wine scores from the Bordeaux wine region revealed that years with warmer summers and wetter winters resulted in better vintages.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:00:49 GMT
  • Talk about croaking it! Female frogs fake their own DEATHS to get out of sex, study finds
    A new study suggests that female European common frogs are much less passive in mate selection than previously thought and will even fake their death when trying to shake off a male.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 13:41:59 GMT
    World: - Technology: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: vrijdag 13 oktober 2023 13:43:44)
  • How To Colonize Mars
    Populating the Red Planet will be hard but here is a checklist of challenges to help.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:34:00 GMT
  • Are There Health Risks to Using Virtual Reality Headsets at Work?
    Virtual reality may be transforming the workplace, but strapping into a virtual reality headset can also carry consequences. Find out how virtual reality headsets work and if they are bad for you.
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:00:00 GMT
  • Spyware Can Infect Your Phone Or Computer Via The Ads You See Online – Report
    A new type of spyware means those online ads could go from annoying to menacing.
    Sat, 30 Sep 2023 13:00:00 GMT
  • AI Will Drive Explosive Growth In The Global Economy: The Arguments For And Against
    Some economists say AI will accelerate growth while others are convinced that bottlenecks in the economy will prevent that. Who is correct?
    Fri, 29 Sep 2023 17:28:00 GMT
  • How Social Media Created a Generation Gap Between GenZ and Baby Boomers
    Trustworthiness, accessibility and comfort are all factors that drive a wedge between Baby Boomers and social media.
    Tue, 26 Sep 2023 13:00:00 GMT

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